Michelle Parrish, Principal

16 Eric Radford Way, Balmertown P0V 1C0
(807) 735-2088 | Fax: (807) 735-3127

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Literacy Support

At the Golden Learning Centre, students focus on the basic foundational literacy skills, in all grades. All students follow a balanced literacy program, which includes:

Teachers have regular meetings to co-plan and share teaching strategies.  When a new skill is being learned (i.e. whether it is learning how to decode words, using a glossary, writing a three point paragraph, or using stated information to make an inference in a text,)  the teacher models how to think through the process with the students.  Students then have the opportunity to work with the teacher in small groups to develop their skill before they are expected to attempt the task independently.  When students understand the new concept, they try it on their own and bring their independent work to the teacher for feedback.

Some of the ways teachers share expectations with their students are with learning goals and success criteria.  Students can use these tools to plan their work and be successful.

Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any questions about your child’s literacy program, or would like ideas to help your child at home.