To access GLC library click here.

The Golden Learning Centre Library is typically a hub of activity with both students and staff enjoying its books and atmosphere. Over the years, we have selected award-winning, high-interest book from contemporary authors. The space itself is bright and cheerful with natural lighting, open spaces, cozy corners, and a reading pit.  The library and the individuals who use it bring stories come to life. Many GLC alumni have fond memories of sitting, lounging and learning in the library. 

In recent school years approximately 6,200 items have been checked out – and returned! We have books, movies, magazines, newspapers, reference, teacher and parent-resource materials and art displays.

Students, teachers, classes, small working groups and those needing quiet space are all welcome. Other activities that make use of this space include, Eco-Team and School Council meetings, Public Speaking events and professional learning community meetings. We've also welcomed visiting authors and community presenters. 

Our entire collection is accessible on the internet - this means you have 24/7 access to our library. To view the collection, click here. If you would like more information or would like to visit our Library, please contact Ms. Lana Williamson.